
Ottawa is about to change the way it does business. Are you ready? With One Persuasion the answer is yes.

The next Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Poilievre, just gave you the roadmap to approaching his government, and you don’t have long to figure out how to navigate it.

Here’s the thing: It looks very different from that map you’re using right now.

It doesn’t follow the well-worn routes of your current government relations and public mobilization strategy: that lobbyist you hired, that advocacy day you organized, that committee you were going to testify at…those roads are all closing.  In a recent op ed, Pierre Poilievre was crystal clear on your path to success: “cancel your lunch meeting at the Rideau Club. Fire your lobbyist. And go to the people.”

He continues: “If  you do have a policy proposal, don’t tell me about it. Convince Canadians that it’s good for them. Communicate your policy’s benefits directly to workers, consumers and retirees. When they start telling me about your ideas on the doorstep…then I’ll think about enacting it.”

Sound advice. But now you may be wondering: Where do I start? How do I get there?

At ONE Persuasion our business is built on exactly this. We’ve spent decades measuring, shaping and changing public opinion. We’ve run national campaigns, advised Prime Ministers, helped the biggest companies in the world understand their environment.

But most of all we build coalitions of Canadians to get things done in Ottawa and governments across the country.

The new power currency in Ottawa is lists. How many people support your policy? Can you contact them directly? Can you activate and motivate them to support your goals? We’re the experts at building and using lists. In fact, when Pierre Poilievre was running to be the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada he hired us to manage and grow his lists. If we can help him win, we can help you win too.

In fact, we even developed our own proprietary mobilization tool, called Movement, that connects you to your audience and mobilizes supporters to take action. That roadmap Mr. Poilievre is talking about?  We've spent decades studying and perfecting it, and we built Movement to be your GPS.

But don’t take our word for it. Mr. Poilievre himself is just one of many leaders who has worked with One Persuasion - along with Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim - to connect, mobilize, and win.

You don’t have to spend a year learning to navigate this new advocacy roadmap alone. Contact us to learn more about how we can get you on the right track today.